With the pandemic that is wreaking havoc on people and businesses, it’s likely that board meetings are becoming virtual. Board members cannot avoid this choice however, they can use it to improve their governance practices.

With a few simple techniques, nonprofit boards as well as leadership groups can have meetings that are as efficient as those that are that are held in person. Virtual meetings can be used to speed up decision-making by using tools like eSignatures or surveys. These capabilities, together with robust board management software allow boards to meet without sacrificing productivity or the ability to provide valuable insights.

It is crucial to select the right virtual meeting platform for effective communication. Select a service that has been scrutinized by IT and offers security to highly sensitive materials. OneBoard is SOC2 certified and is protected by two-factor authentication. This allows leaders to securely share documents, including remote work policies and Business Continuity plans, while keeping the most current minutes of meetings in the director’s hands or that of the CEO.

The appropriate tone for virtual communication is also vital. While it’s necessary for people to communicate effectively in remote settings, using the incorrect tone can cause confusion, anger, and even resentment. Encourage everyone to speak in an empathetic, calm tone. Additionally, avoid the use of dry humor and sarcasm in these situations. It can send a bad message and affect team morale.

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