Finding the Blessings of Sobriety

The practice of gratitude involves shifting our focus from what we lack to acknowledging the abundance that surrounds us. It means taking a moment to recognize the small victories, the supportive individuals, and the opportunities for growth that exist within our daily lives. By actively seeking out and appreciating these elements, we train our minds to find joy and positivity, even amidst the struggles we may face.

Finding the Blessings of Sobriety

“He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”  –Psalm 23:3

  • Sometimes, poor sleep is the biggest factor in recovery or mental health.
  • Oh Lord, in Your compassion, extend Your hand and deliver those in need from the chains of alcoholism.
  • Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and guide me in every decision I make.
  • Father Smith says he and other priests often look to connect addicts with those people in parishes who have achieved sobriety so they can walk with them through recovery.

Almighty God, I humbly come before You in prayer, seeking Your divine intervention in the life of the alcoholic on my heart. I pray for their physical health, that You may heal their body from the harmful effects of alcohol and restore them to full health. I also pray for their mental health, that You may remove any bondage or strongholds that addiction has caused in their mind, and bring clarity and peace to their thoughts. Please grant them the strength and courage to overcome their addiction, that they may find the determination and willpower to fight against this stronghold. Lord, I ask that You ignite within them a deep desire to seek help, to reach out to the necessary resources and support systems that can aid them in their journey towards recovery. I pray that You surround them with love, understanding, and encouragement from loved ones and professionals who can guide them on this path.

Finding the Blessings of Sobriety

What Does God Mean When He Says to Be Sober?

Finding the Blessings of Sobriety

By turning their personal struggle into an opportunity to uplift others, they contribute positively to their communities, extending the circle of support and compassion. Additionally, optimistic attitudes are linked to better immune function, which is vital for recovery from physical or mental health challenges. By maintaining a hopeful outlook, individuals are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors.

  • Forgiveness is such an integral part of recovery but it’s also one of the most challenging steps in recovery, not to mention for anyone.
  • I had been raised in the Church by wonderful, loving parents.
  • But he says this is not merely confession for the addicted.

What is Sexual Sobriety and Why Is It Important

Finding the Blessings of Sobriety

The meeting was held at an LDS meetinghouse, and although I hadn’t been active in years, I thought I might as well try it. When I arrived at the meeting, I was greeted by a kind senior missionary being sober sucks couple. I had been raised in the Church by wonderful, loving parents. I went on a mission to England and Scotland, came home, and married my childhood sweetheart in the temple.

Finding the Blessings of Sobriety

May their family and friends be filled with wisdom and grace, helping them navigate the challenges that come with addiction. Grant them the ability to show compassion and patience, knowing that addiction is a complex struggle. May their loved ones be a source of strength, guiding them towards a path of healing and recovery.

Open to New Experiences

  • I pray for the strength to overcome the challenges that will undoubtedly arise on this path.
  • Show me the silver lining within this lapse so that I can turn it into a stepping stone on my path to recovery.
  • Loved ones, coworkers and others will appreciate efforts made to stay sober and clean and perhaps even seek advice on how to help themselves or a friend.
  • Emotional mapping doesn’t just highlight where you’re at; it shows how to get to where you want to be.
  • This shift in perspective can have an incredible impact on our overall outlook and emotional state.

Divine Intervention Helped Him Quit Smoking

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