Virtual reality (VR), is the capability to interact with a physical object or an environment digitally reproduced in a way that mimics the real-world environment. The technology is often applied in healthcare settings to aid the movement of patients in rehabilitation or to provide distraction and relaxation during medical procedures. However, VR is in its early stages of usage and adoption in the practice of medicine. This article presents a scoping review identifying barriers and facilitators in the implementation of VR in healthcare settings.

The majority of the obstacles identified by this study were in relation to the adopter category and organization categories in the NASSS framework. This included the need for healthcare providers to receive education and training about VR, the lack evidence and research on the value of VR in the context of treating patients, and the perceived low confidence and self-efficacy when it comes to using VR in patient care. A number of studies have suggested using techniques for behavioral change, like education and training, or intervision groups, to assist clinicians in their decision-making processes in relation to VR.

Facilitators were less frequently identified, such as the young age of patients who might be more open to new technology and feel more comfortable using it or the fact that VR can provide an immersive and interactive learning environment that stimulates the mind and promotes deeper understanding of complicated scientific concepts. Moreover, the ability of VR to recreate real-world environments like the surface of planets or the structure of atoms makes it an effective education tool for students to explore and explore complex and abstract concepts that are difficult to visualize in traditional classroom settings.

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